Fostering IRO Dispute Resolution Process
The FCIRO has a statutory duty to monitor the performance by the local authority of their functions in relation to the Foster Carers Annual Reviews and to resolve problems arising out of the planning process. Challenge and resolution are an integral part of the FCIRO role. Informal and formal resolution form part of the same continuum, which needs to celebrate the achievements of resolution as well as highlighting the problems that require resolution.
This policy provides the guidance and process for the FCIRO's regarding what they need to escalate and the levels and stages required to achieve a positive outcome for the child or young person regarding the care provided by their Carers, Fostering Regulations, Care Planning Act, National Minimum Standards, SBC policies and guidelines.
Ideally resolution processes are there to resolve any problems at the lowest level and as quickly as possible. Through the process the FCIRO should be able to demonstrate to Foster Carers that they are taking action on their behalf and they should be able to evidence their own work in resolving the issue.
Where appropriate, the Fostering Family should be informed by the IRO that they are seeking resolution to a concern on their behalf, and they should be kept informed of how the resolution is progressing. Where the FCIRO has raised any challenge in relation to a Foster Carer's Annual Review, this should be clearly recorded on the carer's electronic file/ICS.
There will be times when the FCIRO may be advised that obstacles in the way of resolving the issue are outside or beyond the control of the local authority, for example in relation to staffing, interagency or resources issues. However, if these are impacting on the ability of the department to meet the needs of a Foster Carers and ensure that Foster Carers Annual Reviews are with timescales as identified legislation (Fostering Regulations), the FCIRO should continue to escalate the issue.
Appendix 1: The Local Dispute Resolution Protocol Flowchart sets out the process and within the required timescales.
This chapter was added to the manual in March 2021.1. Process
There are two stages to the dispute resolution process for the FCIRO's:
- Informal resolution – It is expected that the FCIRO will raise concerns with the Fostering Managers. Supervising Social Worker and their Supervisor/Manager informally through ICS, telephone call or direct conversation. The details of these concerns and their outcome will be recorded by the FCIRO on the ICS exemplar SBC IRO Local Dispute Resolution (Informal Discussion). It is expected that this matter will be resolved within ten working days;
- Formal resolution – If there has not been a satisfactory conclusion at the informal stage, the FCIRO has a duty to escalate the matter to the formal dispute resolution stage, which has four levels.This will be recorded on the ICS exemplar SBC IRO Local Dispute Resolution.
It is the responsibility of the FCIRO to monitor and track the progress of the concern. During the formal stage, at each level, the immediate line manager should be copied in and depending on the level, the Service Manager, Quality Assurance and Review and the relevant Operational Service Manager should also be alerted.
Full details of the stages and levels are shown in Table 1 below:
Table 1: Stages and Levels of the Dispute Resolution Process
Level | Professional/s with whom matter will be addressed * | Timescale for action to be completed / resolution |
Informal Resolution Stage | ||
Supervising social worker and their supervisor/manager | 5 working days |
Formal Resolution Stage | ||
Level 1 |
Team manager
5 working days |
Level 2 |
Operational Service Manager
5 working days |
Level 3 | Head of Service
5 working days |
Level 4 |
5 working days |
The FCIRO may also bypass any stage and progress the concern to the level he or she considers most appropriate.
From Level 2 the FCIRO in consultation with their manager may seek advice
2. Issues to be addressed through Dispute Resolution
As part of the monitoring function, the FCIRO has a duty to identify patterns of concern emerging, not just about individual Foster Carers, but also more generally in relation to the collective experience of its Foster Carers, and the services they receive.
Table 2 below identifies the four key theme areas that need to be identified and recorded on ICS and provides some examples of the type of issues that may be covered within them as part of the Dispute Resolution process. The examples quoted are not exhaustive. The accurate recording of issues and themes is an important part of quality assuring practice and enables learning and improvement.
Table 2: Issues and Themes
1. General issues |
Preparation for Foster Carers Annual Review (e.g. non completion/poor quality social work reports and reports/information/appropriate signatures missing);
2. Failure to meet statutory requirements for Foster Carers |
3. Changes effecting the Fostering Household |
4. Provision of service |