Safeguarding Children to Safeguarding Adults Transition Protocol

1. Transitional Phase

When a young person, who is subject to child protection procedures, reaches the point in their care when a transfer to adult services is required, any child protection meetings should then include a representative from adult services for at least part of these meetings. Wherever possible, adult services are to be involved up to a year before the young person's 18th birthday.

Case Transfer

When the young adult, who has been subject to child protection procedures, is coming to the point of transfer to adult care service, the following pathways should be followed.

2. Joint Meeting with Children and Adult Services

  1. A Person Centred Planning meeting to look at the child protection case to date, current plans in place and continuing risks. All assessments and previous Child Protection work is to be reviewed and provided to Adult Services;

  2. At this meeting if the Child protection risk remains current and high and deemed appropriate to be taken onto Adult Safeguarding then this can progress onto a planning meeting and be documented now on the planning meeting paperwork;

  3. An Adult Safeguarding Conference as per the current policy is to be attended by Children's and Adult Services and any others as identified at the planning meeting; the young person is to be encouraged to attend;

  4. A review in 8 weeks should take place with the Adult Care Team, with Children's Services/Transition team to be invited if appropriate.

If NOT taken through Safeguarding route but risks remain and the service user does NOT have capacity then: Best Interests Meeting is to be arranged to include Children's and Adult Services to plan for the individual where risks identified from Child Protection procedures remain. A review in 8 weeks should take place with the Adult Care Team, with Children's Services/Transition team to be invited if appropriate.

If the individual has capacity and risks are NOT needing a safeguarding procedure then: A Person Centred Care Planning Meeting to positively manage risk with the individual and their chosen representative to carefully and seriously consider risks from previous child protection plan should be held. A review in 8 weeks with the Adult Care Team should take place, with Children's Services/Transition team to be invited if appropriate.