
October 2024

Caption: October 2024 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline Swindon Borough Council pre-proceedings policy has been updated.
Recording Policy and Guidelines This chapter has been updated with further information about recording expectations in Family Safeguarding Teams and other service areas.
Case Records for Looked After Children This chapter has been updated in relation to the Independent Enquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery Further information has been added regarding age assessment.
Relinquished Children The information on correct referral processes has been updated.
Children Involved in the Youth Justice System: Additional National Guidance Links have been added to been added to Guidance: Use of Force, Restraint and Restrictive Practices in the Children and Young People Secure Estate and A Joint Thematic Inspection of Work with Children Subject to Remand in Youth Detention.
Decision to Look After The information regarding section 20 accommodation has been updated in line with case law.
Placements with Connected Persons This chapter has been revised and updated throughout.
Supporting the Education and Promoting the Achievement of Children with a Social Worker, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children This chapter has been revised in response to Working Together to Safeguard Children (December 2023), and includes the ongoing development of the strategic leadership roles of Virtual School Heads (VSH) in promoting educational outcomes for children aged 0 to 18 who have, or previously had a social worker, and children in kinship care arrangements.
Health Assessments and Health Care Plans Information has been added in relation to allergies.
Leaving Care and Transition This chapter has been revised to note the leaving care allowance is increased to £3000. It also includes information about the revised OFSTED inspection framework.
Assessment and Approvals of Foster Carers This chapter now includes information about the partnership between Swindon and Fostering South West.
Early Permanence: Fostering for Adoption, Concurrent Planning and Temporary Approval as Foster Carers of Approved Prospective Adopters This chapter has been revised and a link added to National Early Permanence Practice Standards (Coram Centre for Early Permanence). 
Allegations Against Prospective Adopters and in Relation to Children Placed for Adoption or Already Adopted This chapter has been amended in line with revised Keeping Children Safe in Education. Addendum 1, Difference between an Allegation and a concern has been added.
Applications for Special Guardianship Orders Information has been added on the special Guardian duty following the death of the child; that the relevant local authority should be notified if the child was previously looked after.
Local Contacts Information regarding Complaints, Fostering Recruitment, Housing need and “Contact Swindon” have been added.
Ofsted Inspection Framework The link has been added to Ofsted and CQC Joint Registration Guidance: Children’s Homes and Health Care.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Swindon Borough Council – Pre-Birth Practice Guidance The purpose of this the pre-birth guidance is to set out the processes by which agencies can agree on a clear, cogent, and proportionate plan to ensure that the child is safe and will continue to be safe when born. The introduction of a Pre-Birth Panel will ensure that a multi-agency response is clear and regularly reviewed.
Next update: March 2025

August 2024

Caption: August 2024 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Children's Social Care Supervision Policy This chapter has been updated.
Case Transfer Protocol This chapter has been revised and updated.
Staying Put This chapter has been updated to note that every young person in a staying put arrangement dies up to and including the age of 24 there are changes to the notifications that must be made.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Practice Standards For Social Workers and Practitioners Sets out the model of practice and goals for delivering a high quality service to children and families in Swindon.
Management Practice Standards These Management Practice Standards have been developed to support managers to promote consistent social work practice, supervision and management oversight in Swindon.
Swindon Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2024-2025 This document lays out the multiagency strategic plan to improve the quality of youth justice services.
Swindon Permanence Strategy 2024 – 2026 This strategy sets out Swindon Borough Council’s commitment to achieving permanence for children and young people.
EU Settlement Scheme: Looked-after Children and Care Leavers Guidance This chapter sets out the legal responsibilities to EU children following great Britain leaving the EU.
Removed Chapters
  • Children's Services Staff Induction Pack.

May 2024

Caption: May 2024 amendments
Updated Chaptersm
Chapter Name Details
Early Help/Mash Step Up Processes This document has been updated.
Elective Home Education (EHE) Policy This document has been updated.
Case Transfer Protocol This document has been updated.
Scheme of Delegation This document has been updated.
Removed Chapters
  • Pre Birth Assessment Procedure.

April 2024

Caption: April 2024 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Children's Social Care Supervision Policy This policy has been updated.

March 2024

Caption: March 2024 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Swindon Safeguarding Children's Partnership Multi-Agency Threshold Guidance - The Right Help at the Right Time The latest version of the guide to ensure that agencies work together to identify the right level of need to enable the most appropriate support to be in place for children and young people.
Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery 2 additional links have been added; in the age assessment section a link to the BASW Age Assessment Practice Guidance has been added and in the further information section a link was added to Operation Innerste Process: Caseworker Guidance.
Homes for Ukraine - Guidance for Councils: Children Already Living with Sponsors in the UK without their Parent or Legal Guardian This guidance has been updated.
Placements in Residential Care This chapter has been updated to include information from Guidance - Placing Children: Deprivation of Liberty Orders - guidance for providers, social workers and placement commissioners on placing children, subject to a deprivation of liberty order (DoL), in unregistered settings; and President of the Family Division Practice Guidance: Placements in Unregistered Children’s Homes in England or Unregistered Care Home Services in Wales.
Memorandum of understanding for the provision of Local Authority accommodation for Children & Young People (10-17 years) following Police bail or being denied bail This memorandum sets out the joint arrangements between the local authority and Wiltshire Constabulary and replaces the chapter 'Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation'.
Supporting the Education and Promoting the Achievement of Children with a Social Worker, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children This chapter has been updated to emphasise the multi-agency responsibility to promote education and replaces one previously entitled "Education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children".
Removed Chapters
  • Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation.

February 2024

Caption: February 2024 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Escalation Policy This chapter has been updated. The Multi-Agency Process for the Resolution of Professional Disagreements Relating to Safeguarding & Protection of Children has been added, which replaces the previous Escalation Policy.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Swindon Children Looked After & Special Guardianship Order Policy This policy has been added to the manual. This policy sets out the legal framework for Special Guardianship and how this is applied by Swindon Council's Children's services.
Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Neglect Strategy (2024-2027) This strategy has been added to the manual. This strategy should be read in conjunction with the practice guidance on neglect.

Janaury 2024

Caption: Janaury 2024 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Swindon 16 and 17 year old Homeless Protocol This chapter has been updated to the latest version.
Scheme of Delegation This information has been updated.

November 2023

Caption: November 2023 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Performance Management and Quality Assurance Framework Appendix 1: Swindon Practice Evaluation Audit Tool has been updated.
Supporting the Education and Promoting the Achievement of Children with a Social Worker, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children This chapter replaces one previously entitled "Education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children" and has been rewritten to emphasise the multiagency responsibility to promote education.
Early Permanence: Fostering for Adoption, Concurrent Planning and Temporary Approval as Foster Carers of Approved Prospective Adopters

This chapter has been revised throughout and a link added to National Early Permanence Practice Standards.

Scheme of Delegation The internal scheme of delegation has been updated. This ensures that statutory responsibility and decision-making is delegated to an appropriately qualified professional.
Case Records for Looked After Children This chapter has been updated following the conclusion of the Independent Enquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery Information in relation to the National Age Assessment Board has been added.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information in relation to legal aid for foster carers and prospective adoptive parents in first-tier Tribunal appeals has been included.
Placing and Visiting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or Health Conditions in Long-Term Residential Settings This chapter has been updated to include information from the UK Social Work Practice in Safeguarding Disabled Children and Young People report.
Decision to Look After The information on the use of section 20 Accommodation has been updated in line with case law.
Placements in Other Arrangements This chapter has been updated good throughout to reflect supported accommodation for 16/17-year-olds becoming regulated by Ofsted.
Marriage / Civil Partnership of a Looked After Child This chapter has been amended to reflect the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2020 to raise the age of marriage and civil partnership to 18 in England and Wales.
Leaving Care and Transition This chapter has been amended to note that the leaving care allowance has increased from £2000-£3000. The chapter also includes information from the revised OFSTED inspection framework.
Allegations Against Prospective Adopters and in Relation to Children Placed for Adoption or Already Adopted This chapter has been amended in line with the revised Keeping Children Safe in Education. A new section on the Difference Between an Allegation of Harm and a Concern  was added.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Elective Home Education (EHE) Policy This policy applies to those children whose parents have chosen to educate their children at home. The document sets out parental rights and responsibilities, legal position and enables Swindon Borough Council to fulfil its statutory functions regarding children who are being educated at home under Section 7 of the 1996 Education Act and as outlined in Elective Home Education, Guidance for LAs, DfE, April 2019.
Conferences and CLA processes - CSMT Processes for Invites and Reports to all CP Conferences and CLA Reviews This document is the agreed process to ensure that invites and reports for child protection conferences and CLA Reviews are timely and that they enable parents, children, carers and partners to be able to participate fully in these meetings; that meetings are planned and well prepared for and take place in a timely way.
Management Instruction Note: 1 EDS Practice Standards & Contacting the Service Manager on Call

This instruction has been issued to clarify existing protocols and procedures to follow when the following situations are covered:

  • Recording of Activity;
  • Contacting the Service Manager on Call;
  • Child Protection – Visits and Strategy Discussions;
  • Homeless 16 & 17 year olds.
Management Instruction Note: 2 BRAG ratings in MASH, Timescales & Reviews & Repeat Contacts This guidance sets out to clarify the BRAG Ratings Timescales and Review following agency checks and information being gathered. It offers a framework for consistent decision making and recording.
Swindon Youth Safety Strategy 2022-2026 Sets out a four-year plan to tackle violence affecting children and young people.
Children Involved in the Youth Justice System: Additional National Guidance The Youth Offending section has been renamed and is now referred to throughout as Children Involved in the Youth Justice System. 
Ofsted Inspection Framework This chapter sets out Ofsted's framework and guidance for inspecting local authority services for children (ILACS) in need of help and protection, children in care and care leavers.
Positive Relationships and Behaviour Management This chapter replaced one previously entitled Behaviour Management and Safe Caring.

July 2023

Caption: July 2023 amendments
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
The Role of the Child Protection Chair This document has been updated.

April 2023

Caption: April 2023 amendments
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Placements in Other Arrangements Including Unregulated This procedure has been added to the manual.
Guidance for Placements in Unregistered Settings This guidance has been added to the manual.
Removed Chapters
  • Participation & Engagement Strategy;
  • Responding to a Serious Incident Management Protocol;
  • Referral Process for Opal;
  • Holidays and School Trips in the UK;
  • Holidays and School Trips In and Outside the UK.

March 2023

Caption: March 2023 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Swindon's Practice Framework and Vision and Principles for Children's Social Care and Early Help This chapter replaces one previously entitled 'Quality Standards for Children Social Care'.
Children, Families and Community Health Supervision Policy This policy has been reviewed.
Children's Social Care Supervision Policy This is the latest version of this policy which is scheduled to be reviewed in April 2023.
Performance Management and Quality Assurance Framework This framework has been reviewed.
Children, Families and Community Health Travel Assistance Policy and Procedure This chapter explains how the travel assistant arrangements in children's and families and community health are agreed and determined within a safeguarding framework.
Information Sharing Guidance for Children, Families and Community Health This chapter has minor revisions throughout.
Participation and Engagement Strategy The latest version of the Children and Young People's Participation Strategy has been added.
Swindon Safeguarding Children's Partnership Multi-Agency Threshold Guidance - The Right Help at the Right Time This chapter has been updated with minor revisions.
Early Help / Mash Step Up Processes This chapter has been revised.
Assessment This chapter has been updated.
Swindon MASH Protocol This chapter has been revised.
Pre Birth Assessment Procedure This chapter has been updated with a link to the Swindon LSCB Unborn Baby Protocol.
Case Transfer Protocol This chapter has been revised.
Application for Emergency Protection Orders This chapter has been updated with additional information about when an EPO is warranted and who should be consulted before an application is made.
Legal Planning Meetings The required forms for requesting an LPM and a template for recording the minutes have been added to this chapter.
Access to Records/Subject Access Requests This chapter has been fully revised and should be re-read.
Swindon Guidance for Children, Families and Community Health Managers for Managing Caseloads This chapter has been revised.
Interpreter and Translation Procedure This chapter has been reviewed.
Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery This chapter has minor revisions and links have been updated.
Joint Protocol for Young People Between 16-21 in Housing Need Appendix 2: Signatories has been updated.
Missing Children A link to the latest version of the children missing from home and care protocol has been added.
Child Protection Links within the chapter have been revised and updated.
Quorate Child Protection Conferences This chapter has been revised and links made to the Swindon Dual Plan Policy.
Notification and Transfer of Children Subject to Child Protection Plans across Swindon Borough Council Boundaries Procedure This chapter has been revised and has minor amendments to improve clarity.
Children Subject to Child Protection Plans and a Legal Order (Dual Plans) This chapter has been revised and further information added in situations where a child arrangement order is made.
Child Sexual Exploitation The current version of this procedure has been added to the manual.
Permanence Planning Guidance This chapter has been revised.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation This chapter has been amended in line with the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022.
Out of Authority Placements for SBC Children John titles and the names of teens have been updated.
Placements with Connected Persons This chapter has been updated with additional information regarding the assessment and approval of connected persons as foster carers.
Placements in Secure Accommodation This chapter has been revised throughout.
Notifications from Other Local Authorities/Placing Providers The names of relevant teams have been updated.
Local Dispute Resolution Process for Independent Reviewing Officers The local dispute resolution flowchart, and the relevant forms for resolving issues informally and formally have been updated.
Lighter Touch Looked After Reviews This policy has been updated.
Personal Care and Relationships The latest guidance has been added.
Restrictive Physical Intervention and Restraint The latest guidance has been added.
Leaving Care and Transition This chapter has been amended to add a link to the NYAS 'My Things Matter' Report – support and respect care-experienced children and their belongings when they move.
Swindon's Leaving Care Policy This policy has been revised and updated.
Foster Carers Handbook This is the latest version of the Foster Carers Handbook.
Foster Care Approval and Matching Panel This chapter has been extensively revised and should be re-read.
Supervision and Support of Foster Carers This chapter has been extensively revised there is new guidance with regard to training and other policies have been updated and linked to this chapter.
Foster Carers Finance Handbook Finance Handbook has been revised and updated.
Induction of Foster Carers Policy and Guidance The latest version of this guidance has been added.
Respite Foster Care Guidance & Procedures The latest version of this guidance has been added.
Family Finding & Matching Policy The latest version of this policy has been added.
Life Story Books Guidance Reference to the Life Story Work Framework has been added to this chapter.
Swindon Borough Council Family and Friends Policy The latest version of this policy has been added.
Private Fostering The latest version of this guidance has been added.
Scheme of Delegation The scheme of delegation has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Obtaining Childcare Legal Advice This new chapter outlines the process to enable a child to obtain independent legal advice.
Children's Social Worker - Leaving Checklist Core tasks to be undertaken when a social worker leaves the Department or moves to a new role.
Restricting a Child's Liberty This chapter replaces one entitled 'Deprivation of Liberty' and should be re-read.
Homes for Ukraine - Guidance for Councils: Children Already Living with Sponsors in the UK without their Parent or Legal Guardian Government guidance for local authorities where children are living in the UK with sponsors but without their parent or legal guardian.
Practice Standards for Children's Early Help and Social Care Services The practice standards for the children with disabilities team have been added.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Policy The current policy regarding FGM has been included in the manual.
Holiday Guidance for Foster Carers Relevant information for foster carers taking children away on holiday.
Consent Guidance for Children Looked After Needing Surgery Including Dental Extraction The purpose of this procedure is to prevent delays in looked after children receiving treatment.
Bedroom Sharing Policy This policy aims to ensure that children in placement have adequate privacy and bedroom space to preserve dignity and space to keep their possessions.
Foster Carers Social Media and Social Networks Policy This policy aims to help foster carers fully understand the implications of Facebook and other types of social networks and social media sites.
Household Safety Policy This policy aims to ensure that all foster homes comply with the National minimum standards for providing a safe home for looked after children.
Smoking Policy This policy outlines that all foster carers are expected to provide a smoke-free home environment for all children and young people in their care.
Children's Services Staff Induction Pack Guidance for staff new to the Department.

September 2022

Caption: September 2022 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Complaints and Representations This chapter has been amended to reflect the Children's Statutory Complaint Process: Guide for Practitioners (Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman).
Disclosure "Whistleblowing" Policy This policy has been updated.
Allegations Against Staff or Volunteers The procedures regarding allegations against staff or volunteers, the information leaflet on managing allegations against staff or volunteers and the allegation management referral form have all been updated.
Electronic Recording of Meetings and Conversations This chapter has been updated in line with case law.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities The section on resolving disagreements has been updated in line with the First Tier Tribunal's extended powers to hear appeals and make non-binding recommendations about health and social care aspects of Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans, provided those appeals also include education elements.
Decision to Look After This chapter has been revised and the functions of making the decision to Look After a child and Care Planning have been separated.
Education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children This chapter has been updated to reflect Keeping Children Safe in Education. Schools should have policies and processes in place to ensure all concerns about all adults working in or on behalf of the school or college (including supply teachers, volunteers and contractors) are dealt with promptly and appropriately. See Section 8.3, Protecting Children with a Social Worker, Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children from Adults Who May Pose a Risk to Them and/or Other Children in the School.
Restrictive Physical Intervention and Restraint This chapter has been revised and expanded to include information on children and young people with extra support needs.
Foster Care Approval and Matching Panel Additional guidance has been added regarding the Swindon Borough Council Policy on Checks and References within Fostering Recruitment.
Assessment and Approvals of Foster Carers Additional guidance has been added regarding the Swindon Borough Council policy on Checks And References within Fostering Recruitment.
Private Fostering This chapter has been updated and now includes the Swindon Borough Council policy on checks and references within Private Fostering Assessments.
Local Contacts Job titles and contact information have been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Swindon Corporate Parenting Terms of Reference The legislative responsibility under the Children and Social Work Act 2017 means that for any child or young person who comes into our care, we need to act as their corporate parent.
Removed Chapters
  • Children Missing from Education (CME) Policy;
  • Elective Home Education Policy;
  • Children Services Staff Induction Pack.

March 2022

Caption: March 2022 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Contacts and Referrals A link to the consent practice briefing has been added.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline This chapter has been updated. The link has been updated to the SWET (updated April 2021).  Section 2, Pre-Proceedings has been updated to include information in relation to pre-birth assessments and planning where the mother has learning disabilities.
Private Fostering This chapter has been completely rewritten and updated and should be re-read.
Short Breaks Information has been added in to Section 7, Short Break Settings, in relation to the prohibition on looked after children under the age of 16 being placed in 'other arrangements' placements for the purposes of a short break.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This chapter has been revised and updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Private Fostering Statement of Purpose This Statement of Purpose is a description of private fostering arrangements within the Swindon Borough Council. The National Minimum Standards for Private Fostering, Standard 1, requires that there is a clear description of and guide to the service for professionals, the public, council members and external organisations.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities The latest revised guidance for care leavers.

September 2021

Caption: September 2021 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Performance Management and Quality Assurance Framework This chapter has been extensively reorganised; The Quality Standards for Children Social Care now form a stand-alone chapter in this manual. The Performance Management and Quality Assurance Framework procedure and Case File Audit Tool have been updated.
Allegations Against Staff or Volunteers This chapter is the updated inter-agency procedure for all constituent agencies Swindon Safeguarding Partnership.
Notifications of Serious Incidents / Need to Know Policy A link to the rapid review process has been added.
Electronic Recording of Meetings and Conversations Information has been added on recording by employees in a professional capacity with links to the relevant guidance.
Swindon Guidance for Children, Families and Community Health Managers for Managing Caseloads This chapter contains the revised and updated guidance for managing caseloads.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This chapter has been updated with a reference to recent case law holding that, as part of the mediation process, a parent/child/young person is entitled to bring along any support of a wish, including a lawyer.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation Information has been added in relation to children under the age of 16 being placed in "other arrangements" placements.
Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds A new Section 10, Use of Inherent Jurisdiction to Authorise a Placement Involving a Deprivation of Liberty When One or More of the Relevant Criteria Under Section 25 Children Act 1989 are Not Satisfied has been added.
Placements Outside England and Wales The section on Placements in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Guernsey has been updated in line with updated Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review.
Advocacy and Independent Visitors This chapter has been updated with additional information about the role of the independent visitor.
Local Dispute Resolution Process for Independent Reviewing Officers This chapter has been updated to clarify the role and responsibilities of the IRO.
Holidays and School Trips In and Outside the UK This guidance has been reviewed and updated throughout. The section on Insurance Cover has been updated to include details of how to apply for a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) which provides access to reduced cost or free medical insurance in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. Guidance has also been updated to link to reissued Home Office guidance for Local Authorities Children's Services Departments when Applying for Passports on Behalf of Children.
Education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children This chapter has been updated to reflect changes from the revised Working Together to Safeguard Children. In Section 6, When a Child Needs or Joins a New School information has been added on the School Admission Code.
Access to Birth Records and Adoption Case Records This chapter has been revised throughout and information added on applying for a copy of a birth certificate online.
Applications for Special Guardianship Orders This chapter has been updated to reflect Practice Guidance on Special Guardianship published by the Family Justice Council (June 2020). See Section 6.2, Special Guardianship Applications in Care Proceedings. In Section 12, The Special Guardianship Support Plan information has been added on the School Admission Code and new Section 16, Special Guardianship Orders in International Cases.
Court Reports in Adoption / Special Guardianship Guidance Links to the Family Justice Council have been updated.
Local Contacts Job titles and names of organisations have been updated.
Scheme of Delegation This information has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Contacts and Referrals This chapter contains guidance for the initial response from Children's Social Care to requests for service.
Prevent and Channel (At Risk of Radicalisation) Updated information on the Prevent duty to safeguard and support those vulnerable to radicalisation.
Lighter Touch Looked After Reviews A move to lighter touch reviews, is a recognition that for 'some' children, the ongoing imposition of a formal CLA Review meeting, may no longer be purposeful, meaningful or in support of their best interests.
Induction of Foster Carers Policy and Guidance The guidance in this document is for the induction of new carers who have been approved or who are temporarily approved as foster carers.
Respite Foster Care Guidance & Procedures The aim of this document is to provide guidance and procedures to ensure that carers do feel able to have a break, should they wish to, but also ensuring that this is arranged in a way that is child focussed.
Emergency Foster Placement Scheme This scheme is to provide a placement for children/young people between the ages of 0 and 18 who need an immediate foster placement and where a planned, matched placement with a foster carer cannot be made.
Policy and Procedure for Parent and Child Foster Placements This policy aims to ensure that all foster carers, supervising social workers, parents and children's social workers have the same understanding about the placement tasks they are required to undertake, and the legal basis for doing so.
Family Finding & Matching Policy This policy is supplemental to 'Swindon Borough Council Children in Care Permanence Planning Guidance'. It defines the decision-making processes and procedures for permanent / long-term foster placements, sets out the Family Finding procedure, and clarifies the difference between Permanent Fostering Placements, and Placements until Independence.
Fostering Friendly Policy This SBC policy sets out the commitment to a staff member who is a foster carer or connected carer to offer flexible working arrangements which respond to the needs of all foster carers or approved connected carer employees.

March 2021

Caption: March 2021 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Case Transfer Protocol This chapter has been updated.
Joint Protocol for Young People Between 16-21 in Housing Need The following information has been added. A Young Person Panel is held monthly where all 16/17 year olds are discussed. This is attended by the Service Manager of the Positive Futures Team. Young People's Floating Support Service will be reviewed at the end of March 2021
Direct Payments This chapter has been significantly updated and should be re-read.
Short Breaks at Local Offer Level (Aiming High) This chapter has been revised and Appendix 1: Aiming High Referral Form has been updated.
Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds Section 6, Placements of Children under 13 Years has been updated following publication of revised DfE guidance.
Notification of Significant Events This procedure has been updated to reflect revised guidance issued by Ofsted to Children's Homes Providers in August 2019. The revised guidance sought to clarify what is meant by a 'serious event' in relation to a child living in a Children's Homes with the aim of reducing the overall number of notifications made to Ofsted, and in particular reducing the number of repeat notifications made as a result of submitting additional / updated information. It has also been updated to reflect the latest Ofsted guidance for social care providers on the types of incident which they consider to be serious and which will therefore require notification to the regulatory authority.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Elective Home Education Policy This chapter has been added to the manual.
Child Protection Chairs Overruling Child Protection Conferences This chapter has been added to the manual.
Fostering IRO Dispute Resolution Process This chapter has been added to the manual.
Removed Chapters
  • Swindon's Practice Framework and Vision;
  • Child in Need Plans and Reviews;
  • Managing Social Care Case Files.

December 2020

Caption: December 2020 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Fostering Service Statement of Purpose This document has been updated throughout and should be re-read.

September 2020

Caption: September 2020 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Confidentiality Policy This chapter has been substantially updated.
Performance Management and Quality Assurance Framework The Quality Standards for Children's Social Care has been added.
Children Missing from Education (CME) Policy This policy has been substantially updated.
Assessment This chapter has been updated.
Application for Emergency Protection Orders This chapter has been updated with additional information about when and EPO is warranted and who should be consulted before an application is made.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline This chapter has been updated with links to the Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council Pre-Court Proceedings Protocol and the Swindon Borough Council Supervision Order Policy.
Legal Planning Meetings This chapter has been updated with links to the legal planning meeting request form, checklist and meeting agenda.
Disclosure "Whistleblowing" Policy This policy has been updated to link to the current Swindon Borough Council open data and transparency web page.
Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After and Child In Need) This chapter has been updated with a link to the Wiltshire and Swindon Joint Agency Response (JAR) and Child Death Protocol for Unexpected Deaths.
Recording Policy and Guidelines This chapter has been updated.
Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery This chapter has been updated.
Prevention of Homelessness and Provision of Accommodation for 16 and 17 Year Olds who may be Homeless and/or Require Accommodation; and Duty to Refer This chapter has been updated.
Young Carers This chapter has been updated.
Child Sexual Exploitation This chapter has been updated.
Decision to Look After and Care Planning This chapter has been updated.
Local Authority's Sufficiency Duty - Accommodation for Looked After Children This chapter has been updated.
Placements in Foster Care This chapter has been updated.
Placements in Residential Care This chapter has been updated.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation This chapter has been updated.
Placements with Parents This chapter has been updated.
Social Worker Visits to Looked After Children This chapter has been updated.
Holidays and School Trips Outside the UK This chapter has been updated.
Health Assessments and Health Care Plans This chapter has been updated with further information about how to support young people over 16 with health costs.
Leaving Care and Transition This chapter has been updated.
Staying Put This chapter has been updated.
Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services This chapter has been updated.
Responsibilities of the Local Authority to Former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody This chapter has been updated.
Assessment and Approvals of Foster Carers This chapter has been updated.
Exemptions and Variations of Approval This chapter has been updated.
Adoption Support This chapter has been updated.
Monitoring and Supervision of Adoptive Placements This chapter has been updated.
Allegations Against Prospective Adopters and in Relation to Children Placed for Adoption or Already Adopted This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Participation and Engagement Strategy This procedure has been added to the manual.
Swindon MASH Protocol This protocol has been added to the manual.
AIM Assessment and Referral Information This chapter contains guidance on how to make a referral for an AIM assessment and contains information about Harmful Sexual Behaviour and a link to the Brook Traffic Light Tool.
Removed Chapters
  • Child Arrangement Orders;
  • Requests for Deceased Information;
  • Child in Foster Care - Delegated Authority Policy;
  • Children, Families and Community Health Equality Development Plan;
  • Children, Families and Community Health Statement of Intent for Equality Monitoring;
  • Children, Families and Community Health - Clinical Incident Reporting Policy & Procedures (including serious incidents);
  • Sexual Health Services Policy for Swindon Secondary Schools;
  • School Nursing Policy for the Delivery of Routine School Age Childhood Immunisations.

March 2020

Caption: March 2020 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Practice Framework and Principles The Framework and Principles have been updated and should be re-read.
Performance Management and Quality Assurance Framework The Performance Management And Quality Assurance Framework procedure has been updated.
Swindon Safeguarding Children's Partnership Multi-Agency Threshold Guidance - The Right Help at the Right Time This Threshold Guidance has been updated.
Assessment Links and information about the AIM3 assessment process have been added.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline A link to the local authority template for a Section 7 report has been added - other links have been updated.
Notifications of Serious Incidents / Need to Know Policy This chapter has been extensively revised and should be re-read.
Recording Policy and Guidelines This chapter has been amended to reflect the Ofsted Twitter Blog of 24/7/19 by Yvette Stanley, Ofsted's National Director for Social Care.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This chapter has been updated to draw attention to OFSTED's advice that Local Authorities should exercise due diligence in ensuring schools for pupils with SEN are registered with the DFE. The same diligence should be exercised on behalf of pupils with SEN.
Child Protection Plans - Lead Social Worker Role and Responsibilities This chapter has been updated with additional guidance regarding core group practice.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation This chapter has been updated with the current version of the Memorandum of Understanding for the provision of Local Authority Accommodation for Children & Young People (10-17 years) following Police bail or being denied bail.
Notifications from Other Local Authorities / Placing Providers The link to the local offer has been revised.
Secure Accommodation (Criteria) Reviews This chapter has been updated and the need for clear separation of reviews (for clarifying whether the criteria for keeping a child in secure accommodation are met, and the child's looked after review) has been emphasised. Clarifying whether the criteria for keeping a child in secure accommodation are met must come before a LAC review so the decision can inform the LAC review and they must be chaired by different individuals.
Education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children This chapter has been revised in accordance with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2019.
Adopt Thames Valley – Statement of Purpose The Statement of Purpose for Adopt Thames Valley has been updated.
Placement for Adoption This chapter has been amended to reflect the national changes in adoption registration and matching (see Section 7.13, Inter Agency Placements and Section 11, Children Approved for Adoption for Whom no Placement has been Identified).
Access to Birth Records and Adoption Case Records A link has been added to Attending and IRM Panel: information sheets added.
Court Reports in Adoption / Special Guardianship Guidance This chapter has been updated to note the Family Justice Council: Interim Guidance on Special Guardianship.
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Financial Procedure This chapter contains guidance for requesting financial support for children and families in a variety of different circumstances.
Escalation Policy This chapter contains the Escalation Policy and Escalation Policy Referral Form.
Placing and Visiting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or Health Conditions in Long-Term Residential Settings This chapter reflects statutory guidance in relation to children who are placed by health authorities or local authorities for more than 3 months in residential establishments for educational purposes and children placed in care homes or independent hospitals (including hospices) by health authorities or local authorities (Sections 85 and 86 of the Children Act 1989).
Removed Chapters
  • Sexually Harmful Behaviour.

September 2019

Caption: September 2019 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Children, Families and Community Health Supervision Policy This is the latest version of this chapter.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline This chapter has been amended to reference and note the family court justice interim guidance on Special Guardianship, Courts and Tribunals Judiciary.
Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After and Child In Need) This chapter has been amended to reflect the changes to the process for reporting a serious incident to the Panel via the child safeguarding incident notification system. A link to the Wiltshire and Swindon Joint Agency Response and Child Death Protocol For Unexpected Deaths has also been added.
Missing Children Links to the updated return home interview forms have been included.
Recording Policy and Guidelines This chapter has been updated to reflect HHJ Greensmith's comments regarding M and N (Children: Local authority gathering, preserving and disclosing evidence) [2018] EWFC 40 (1 June 2018).
Private Fostering This chapter has been amended to clarify that in After the Private Fostering Arrangement Ends that any request for support by the young person should be made to the local authority in which they are resident or where the education and training is being provided.
Short Breaks at Preventative Level (Aiming High) This chapter has been revised throughout and includes The Short Breaks questionnaire.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This chapter has been updated in line with the Children and Social Work Act 2017 and revised statutory guidance which require schools, through the designated teacher to provide support to previously Looked After Children.
Decision to Look After and Care Planning This chapter has been amended to reflect Section 3 of the Care Planning and Care Leavers (Amendment) Regulations 2014. The Care Plan must identify whether there is reason to believe the child has been trafficked or is an unaccompanied asylum seeker.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation The guidance on how to request a transfer or placement review when placing a young person in custody has been updated.
Placements with Parents This chapter has been amended to note that it does not apply to children subject to Interim Care Orders where the placement is required by the court under Section 38(6) Children Act 1989 for the purposes of assessment.
Notifications from Other Local Authorities / Placing Providers

This chapter has been revised with updates to terminology and a new Appendix 2.

Social Worker Visits to Looked After Children This chapter has been amended to include a link to the Leaving Care and Transition Procedure in relation to Personal Adviser visits to 'Relevant' or 'Former Relevant' young people.
Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services The guidance on how to request a transfer or placement review when placing a young person in custody has been updated.
Notification of Significant Events This chapter has been revised and updated throughout.
Education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children This chapter has been updated and revised. It incorporates changes introduced by the Children and Social Work Act 2017 and updated Keeping Children Safe in Education (2018). A new section has been added with regard to Unaccompanied Migrant Children, and the role of the Virtual School Head in relation to Previously Looked After children is emphasised.
Responsibilities of the Local Authority to Former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody The guidance on how to request a transfer or placement review when placing a young person in custody has been updated.
Assessment and Approvals of Foster Carers A link has been added to Attending an IRM panel information sheets.
Supervision and Support of Foster Carers This chapter has been updated to reflect in more detail the foster carer's role and responsibilities with respect to Fostering National Minimum Standards – Notification of Significant Events (see Section 1, Introduction) and relevant aspects of Schedule 6 The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011.
Review and Termination of Approval of Foster Carers A link has been added to Attending an IRM panel information sheets.
Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters This chapter has been revised following the arrangements with Adopt Thames Valley to provide some adoption services.
Fostering for Adoption, Concurrent Planning and Temporary Approval as Foster Carers of Approved Prospective Adopters This chapter has been revised following the arrangements with Adopt Thames Valley to provide some adoption services.
Placement for Adoption This chapter has been revised following the arrangements with Adopt Thames Valley to provide some adoption services.
Adoption Support This chapter has been revised following the arrangements with Adopt Thames Valley to provide some adoption services.
Monitoring and Supervision of Adoptive Placements This chapter has been updated to clarify monitoring and support expectations.
Non Agency Adoption This chapter has been revised following the arrangements with Adopt Thames Valley to provide some adoption services.

Adoption Case Records

The guidance on security retention and sharing of records has been updated in line with Adoption And Care Planning (Miscellaneous Amendments Regulations 2018) which provides that an adoption agency may disclose an adoption case record to another adoption agency for purposes related to either agency's functions as an adoption agency. Further information has been added in relation to adoption records where an adoption order is not made.
Applications for Special Guardianship Orders This chapter has been updated throughout and should be re-read. Template letters for the Financial allowances for SGO have been included.
Local Contacts This chapter has been updated.

April 2019

Caption: April 2019 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Confidentiality Policy This chapter has been updated to reflect the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.
Family and Friends Care Policy A link to Government Guidance regarding support for Family and Friends Carers has been added.
Children, Families and Community Health Supervision Policy This document has been updated.
Performance Management and Quality Assurance Framework This has been updated and the Case Audit Tool revised.
A Model for Risk Assessment A link to Swindon LSCB Neglect Framework Guidance has been added.
Pre Birth Assessment Procedure This chapter has been updated with a link to the Swindon LSCB Unborn Baby Protocol.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline This chapter has been amended to reflect changes from 'Practice Direction 27a - Family Proceedings: Court Bundles (Universal Practice to be Applied in the High Court and Family Court)', in relation to the required maximum length of certain court documents, (unless otherwise specifically directed by the court). In addition, a new subsection of Section 4.1, Local Authority - 'Final Care Plan' provides further detail on the importance of recording information on the Care Plan which will help the child, parent or the child's carer understand why decisions have been or are being made.
Missing Children This chapter has been updated, and contains links to the updated joint Wiltshire and Swindon Missing Children protocol and the relevant forms and templates.
Safeguarding Children to Safeguarding Adults Transition Protocol Links have been updated.
Child Sexual Exploitation A link to Swindon Local Safeguarding Children Board Child Sexual Exploitation Handbook has been added and the Vulnerability checklist has been updated.
Recording Policy and Guidelines This chapter has been updated to reflect the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.
Electronic Recording of Meetings and Conversations This chapter has been updated to reflect the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.
Child Protection The links in this chapter have been renewed.
Permanence Planning Guidance This chapter has been updated to reflect changes introduced by the Children and Social Work Act 2017 in relation to the education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children.
Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds This chapter has been updated to fully reflect the updated guidance Secure Children's Homes: How to Place a Child Aged Under 13 (July 2018).
Ceasing to Look After a Child This chapter has been updated to reflect changes introduced by the Children and Social Work Act 2017 in relation to the education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children.
Advocacy and Independent Visitors New information about the future of the children's right and participation service has been added to the related guidance section.
Holidays and School Trips Outside the UK A link to the European Health Insurance Card has been added.
Education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children This chapter has been updated to reflect changes introduced by the Children and Social Work Act 2017 and the updated Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018 guidance.
Health Assessments and Health Care Plans A link to Children Looked After (CLA) Placed Out of Borough Requiring Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services has been added.
Supervision and Support of Foster Carers The link to the Transfer of Foster Carers Protocol has been updated.
Placement for Adoption A link to the Adoption Medical Pathway and Out of Borough Child Needing an Adoption Medical – Guidance for Social Workers has been added.
Adoption Support This chapter has been updated to reflect changes introduced by the Children and Social Work Act 2017 in relation to the education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children.
Adoption Reviews This chapter has been updated to reflect changes introduced by the Children and Social Work Act 2017 in relation to the education of Looked After and Previously Looked After Children.
Relinquished Children This chapter has been updated to include additional information on parental capacity to consent, in line with High Court case-law Re S (Child as parent: Adoption: consent) [2017] EWHC (Fam).
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Early Help / Mash Step Up Processes This document has been added.
Children Subject to Child Protection Plans and a Legal Order (Dual Plans) This procedure clarifies practice when children who are subject to child protection plans become subject to legal Orders, Looked After, or are removed from the family home.
Adopt Thames Valley – Statement of Purpose Statement of Purpose for Regional Adoption Agency.
Removed Chapters
  • Short Breaks at Preventative Level (Aiming High);
  • Child Protection Plans - Assistant Team Manager Role and Responsibilities;
  • Foster Carers Finance Handbook.

January 2019

Caption: January 2019 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Children, Families and Community Health Supervision Policy This policy has been updated.
Performance Management and Quality Assurance Framework The Performance Management and Quality Assurance Framework Procedure has been updated.
Assessment This chapter has been updated, when the Step down process from Child in Need to Early Help has been added.
Case Transfer Protocol This protocol has been updated.
Child Protection This chapter has been reviewed.
Child Protection Plans - Lead Social Worker Role and Responsibilities This chapter has been updated.
Foster Care Approval and Matching Panel This chapter has been updated.
Persons Disqualified from Fostering This chapter has been updated.
Assessment and Approvals of Foster Carers This chapter has been updated.
Exemptions and Variations of Approval This chapter has been updated.
Scheme of Delegation These details have been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Swindon's Practice Framework and Vision This document has been added to the manual.
Step Down Process from Child in Need to Early Help This flowchart has been added to the manual.
Pre Birth Assessment Procedure This procedure has been added to the manual.
Allegations Against Staff and Volunteers who have Contact with Children and Young People This procedure has been added to the manual.
Policy to Reduce the Number of Children Subject to Child Protection Plans for Longer than 2 Years This policy has been added to the manual.
Referral Process for Opal This flowchart has been added to the manual. It shows the decision making process for cases of suspected CSE.
Foster Carers Finance Handbook This handbook has been added to the manual.
Children in Foster Care – Delegated Authority Policy This policy has been added to the manual.
Removed Chapters
  • Signs of Safety - Overview;
  • Caseload Weighting Scheme;
  • Foster Care "Payment for Skills" Scheme;
  • Payment for Skills: Task, Criteria and Fees;
  • Adoption Service Statement of Purpose;
  • Adoption Panel;
  • Practice Guidance - Decision to discontinue a Child Protection Plan;
  • Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Handbook.

September 2018

Caption: September 2018 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Children and Families Services Policies, Values and Principles A new Section 2, Corporate Parenting has been added in response to the DfE, Applying Corporate Parenting Principles to Looked-after Children and Care Leavers – Statutory Guidance (Feb 2018).
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline This chapter has been updated to provide some emphasis on parents who lack capacity and added links to the President of the Family Division, Family Proceedings: Parents with a Learning Disability note, and a relevant link to working with parents who have a learning disability (see Section 2.1, Principles) and Practice Direction 3AA - Vulnerable Persons: Participation in Proceedings and Giving Evidence and a replacement link has been added in Related Guidance to Research in Practice supporting information and guidance on the Social Work Evidence template (SWET).
Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After and Child In Need) From 29 June 2018, local authorities in England must notify the national Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel within 5 working days of becoming aware of a serious incident.
Missing Children This chapter contains links to the updated joint Wiltshire and Swindon Missing Children protocol and the relevant forms and templates.
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Under 16 This chapter has been updated with regards to in advance of undertaking an age assessment for an unaccompanied asylum seeking child, local authorities must seek Home Office assistance with verifying the authenticity of identity documents e.g. travel documents or a birth certificate. A link to the relevant contact details for local authorities has been added. The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is referenced in relation to age assessments.
Children in Need Procedures A new Section 6, Children in Need Moving to Another Authority - Principles has been added and clarification about roles and tasks throughout.
Social Worker Visits to Looked After Children This chapter has been revised to set out more clearly the circumstances where visiting requirements differ from those the normal frequency.
Health Assessments and Health Care Plans A new Section 3.6, Consent to Health Care Assessments has been added.
Review and Termination of Approval of Foster Carers A new process of Annual Review of Fostering which provides timescales for the Review has been included.
Placement for Adoption This chapter has been updated with links to the Agency Decision Maker (ADM) Process at Commencement of Proceedings and for Best Interest Decisions.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details

A Guide to the Statutory Principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005

This resource will support practitioners working in statutory social care and provider services to understand the Act and practice confidently when supporting young people to make decisions, assessing mental capacity and applying the Best Interests principle.

Deprivation of Liberty

An online resource which provides guidance to anyone who is working with and/or caring for people who may lack capacity to make particular decisions.

Joint Housing Protocol for Care Leavers

This has been updated.
Removed Chapters
  • Leaving Care and Transition.

March 2018

Caption: March 2018 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Transfer Protocol This is the updated version of this Protocol - January 2018.
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Under 16 A link to the NRPF network guidance on Securing British Citizenship for looked after children has been added.
Families with No Recourse to Public Funds A link to the NRPF network guidance on Securing British Citizenship for looked after children has been added.
Child Sexual Exploitation This chapter has been extensively revised and additional links added.
Children in Need Procedures This chapter has been updated to conform to current organisational systems.
Joint Protocol for Young People Between 16-21 in Housing Need This has been extensively revised and should be re-read.
Young Carers This chapter has been revised extensively throughout.
Short Breaks at Preventative Level (Aiming High) The chapter has been with updated versions of SBC Short breaks statement and Short Breaks questionnaire. The guidance Preventative Short Breaks has also been extensively revised.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Links to additional sources of help have been added.
Placements in Foster Care Minor amendments have been made to the text to accurately reflect job titles in Swindon.
Out of Authority Placements for SBC Children This chapter has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds This chapter has been extensively revised and should be re-read.
Notifications from Other Local Authorities / Placing Providers This chapter has been extensively revised and appendices of relevant forms added.
Health Assessments and Health Care Plans The Initial Health Assessment Process for Social Workers flowchart has been added.
Placement in Supported Lodgings Policy This chapter has been with changes made to Section 7, Approval and Reviews of Supported Lodgings Providers - on the review of approval of supported lodgings.
Change of Name of a Looked After Child This chapter has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
Supervision and Support of Foster Carers The unannounced visits protocol has been added and other forms updated.
Managing Concerns, Complaints and Allegations against Foster Carers, including Historical Allegations A link to the LADO Handbook has been added.
Applications for Special Guardianship Orders This chapter has been updated throughout and should be re-read.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Guidance for Children, Families and Community Health Managers for Managing Caseloads without a Worker or the Worker is Currently Absent from Work Guidance for managers when allocated workers are absent.
Foster Carers Possessing Guns and Weapons This chapter considers the assessment of Foster Carers who own firearms.
LADO Handbook The latest version has been added as an appendix.

September 2017

Caption: September 2017 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Children and Families Services Policies, Values and Principles References to additional relevant information has been added.
Interpreter and Translation Procedure This chapter has been amended to reflect a change in provider of interpreting and translation services.
Complaints and Representations This chapter has been updated to include a new Section 10, Further Information and Guidance.
Local Contacts These details have been updated.

August 2017

Caption: August 2017 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Family and Friends Care Policy This policy has been updated with a link to the Family and Friends and Connected Persons Assessment Report form.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline This chapter has been amended to add a link to the ADCS/Cafcass 'Agreement About How Local Authorities and Cafcass Can Work Effectively in a Set of Care Proceedings and Pre-Proceedings in the English Family Courts'.
Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After and Child In Need) This chapter has been updated in line with the requirement to notify Ofsted of any serious childcare incident using the Ofsted online notification form.
Case Records for Looked After Children This chapter has been updated to note the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse requires all institutions to retain their records relating to the care of children for the duration of the Inquiry.
Private Fostering This chapter has been amended to add clarity to the definition of private fostering with regards to the legislation and children under 16 who spend more than 2 weeks in residence during holiday time in a school.
Short Breaks Through Statutory Assessment (Social Care) This chapter now contains a link to Friendship For All - a website to facilitate positive social contact for children with a disability.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This chapter has been updated to reflect the outcome of a court judgement on Ordinary Residence that was included in DoH, Care and support statutory guidance.
Decision to Look After and Care Planning This chapter has been amended to reflect the outcome of an Appeal Court hearing (2017) with respect to 'consent'. The court recognised that the term 'consent' itself was not used in Section 20. However, it described previous court observations as 'good practice guidance', emphasising its judgment should not alter the content or effect of these.
Permanence Planning Guidance A flow chart illustrating the long term fostering process has been added.
Placements with Connected Persons This chapter has been updated to include matters that should be considered when placing a child with a Connected Person should include an initial risk assessment of any pets, together with the environment in which the pet is kept.
Placements with Parents This chapter has been updated to include matters that should be considered when placing a child with a Parent should include an initial risk assessment of any pets, together with the environment in which the pet is kept.
Advocacy and Independent Visitors This chapter has been updated to add a link to the Children's Society 'Advocacy services for children and young people – a guide for commissioners'. This guide outlines the legislative requirements of local authorities in the provision of advocacy support to children in need and looked after children.
Appointment and Role of Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO) This chapter has been updated in relation to the role of the Independent Reviewing Officer in line with the Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review. In particular, the IRO being sensitive to the close and active involvement of parents of a child looked after in a series of Short Breaks and problem-solving where there might be difficulties or issues. It has also been amended to reflect the ADCS/Cafcass 'Agreement About How Local Authorities and Cafcass Can Work Effectively in a Set of Care Proceedings and Pre-Proceedings in the English Family Courts'.
Notification of Significant Events This chapter has been updated with the new contact details for Ofsted.
Social Visits (including Overnight Stays) This is a revised version of a chapter, previously entitled. Overnight stays and social visits - it has been extensively revised and should be re-read.
Health Assessments and Health Care Plans This chapter has been updated with a link to the NICE guidance on working with attachment difficulties.
Leaving Care and Transition This chapter has been updated with links to the revised Leaving Care Practice manual, Practice Guidance for The Completion of Pathway Plans and Preparation for Independence Work Book and Pathway Planning Checklist.
Fostering Service Statement of Purpose The updated version has been added to the manual.
Supervision and Support of Foster Carers This chapter has been updated to reflect that the safer caring plan should include any changes in household circumstances, along with any other health and safety issues, including the addition of new pets.
Foster Care "Payment for Skills" Scheme This procedure has been extensively revised and should be re-read.
Adoption Service Statement of Purpose The updated version has been added to the manual.
Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters This chapter has been updated to include where the applicants have pets, a risk assessment should be conducted and any associated risks should be taken into account with regard to the pet itself and where the pet is kept. Where necessary, an independent assessment should be undertaken by a vet to establish whether the dog falls within the scope of the Dangerous Dogs Act.
Placement for Adoption This chapter has been updated with a link to the Contact After Adoption website.
Inter Country Adoption This chapter has been updated to reflect the DFE guidance on intercountry adoption and resident status requirements.
Applications for Special Guardianship Orders This chapter has been extensively revised to reflect the most recent national special guardianship guidance and links to Swindon's SGO flowchart and template for the SGO support plan have been added.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Information Sharing Guidance for Children, Families and Community Health This guidance covers the basic principles for sharing information, protecting confidentiality and dealing with losses or breaches of personal information.
Caseload Weighting Scheme This procedure explains how work loads are managed.
Notification and Transfer of Children Subject to Child Protection Plans across Swindon Borough Council Boundaries Procedure This procedure explains the responsibilities for the workers involved when a case is transferred between teams and across boundaries.

February 2017

Caption: February 2017 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Family and Friends Care Policy This has been updated with a link to the Family and Friends care guide.
Children, Families and Community Health Supervision Policy This chapter has been updated with further guidance regarding Management Monitoring.
Quality Assurance Framework This chapter has been updated when the Quality Assurance Framework has been updated.
Assessment This chapter has been updated with minor changes to text.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline This chapter has been updated to reflect the outcome of a judgment following an application to remove a child at birth. The judge highlighted what were thought to be 'good practice steps' to issuing care proceedings in respect of the removal of a child at birth. (See Section 3.1, Pre-birth Planning and Proceedings). Additional amendments have been made to clarify the procedure.
Legal Planning Meetings This chapter has been amended with the addition of the PLO flowchart and minor updating of the text throughout.
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Under 16 This chapter has been extensively revised and should be re-read.
Families with No Recourse to Public Funds This chapter has been updated with clarification of the responsibilities of the Local Authority towards families with no recourse to public funds.
Private Fostering This chapter has been updated to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the private fostering social worker and the child's social worker.
Placements in Secure Accommodation This chapter has been amended to acknowledge the President of the High Court's judgement regarding applications in English courts for Secure Accommodation placements in Scotland. (See Section 4.1, Placement Request, Identification and Approval).
Children Looked After Reviews This chapter has been amended to note The Law Society guidance 'Attendance of solicitors at local authority Children Act Meetings' and their Code of Conduct where the child or family who attend reviews are supported by a legal representative. (See Section 8, Independent Reviewing Officers Responsibilities). Further amendments and corrections have been made throughout the chapter and it should be re-read.
Education of Looked After Children The chapter has been revised throughout and should be re-read.
Staying Put This is the updated version of this policy and includes a Staying Put arrangement flowchart.
Managing Concerns, Complaints and Allegations against Foster Carers, including Historical Allegations This chapter replaces the chapter on allegations against carers in earlier versions of this manual.
Foster Care Payments A link to additional guidance on the overpayment fostering allowances and fees has been added.
Inter Country Adoption This chapter has been updated with a link to the Adoption Support Fund.
Applications for Special Guardianship Orders This chapter has been updated with updated links to Relevant Guidance and amendments to Section 2, Who may apply?
Life Story Books Guidance This chapter has been updated with minor corrections to the text.
Later Life Letters This chapter has been updated with a minor addition to Section 2, Purpose of the Later Life Letter, clarifying the social workers responsibility to write the Later Life Letter.
Local Contacts This section has been updated.
Scheme of Delegation This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Responding to a Serious Incident Management Protocol The Protocol provides an overview of the response that can be expected from Children's Services to a Serious Incident affecting a child or children requiring specific emergency management and where Children's Services is the lead organisation.
A Model for Risk Assessment This model provides clear and standardised guidance for social workers to be clear about their roles and responsibilities in the assessment and analysis of risk.
Sexually Harmful Behaviour This procedure outlines the basic model for understanding the differing presentations of sexually harmful behaviour.
Interpreter and Translation Procedure This procedure explains how interpreting or translation services are approved and arranged within Children, Families and Community Health Services.
Electronic Recording of Meetings and Conversations This chapter deals with recording of meetings/conversations by individual service users, in their capacity as private individuals.
Disruption Meetings (Permanent Placements: Fostering and Residential) This chapter replaces one previously entitled placement agreement and disruption meetings. It applies to permanent placements, both fostering and residential.
Sexual Health Procedure This chapter is based on content originally developed by Leeds Children's Social Work Services. This chapter covers the responsibilities towards children looked after. To ensure they are provided with appropriate accurate and up-to-date information on matters relating to sexual health and relationships.
Birth Certificate Application Process Children and young people need a copy of their birth certificate for a variety of reasons including passport applications, opening their own Bank account and in planning for future permanency options. It is the responsibility of the child's allocated social worker to ensure that a copy of the child/young person's birth certificate is made available to them.
Swindon's Leaving Care Policy This policy sets out the responsibilities of Swindon Borough Council as corporate parent to children looked after when they leave the care system.
Placement in Supported Lodgings Policy This chapter is based on content originally developed by Leeds Children's Social Work Services. This policy covers the recruitment, assessment, support and review of supported lodgings providers.
Foster Carers Handbook The latest version has been added to the manual.
Relinquished Children This chapter deals with the first stages of the adoption process for relinquished children, whilst signposting other key processes that should be progressed and which are expected for any child who is Accommodated or where the plan is for adoption.
Dangerous Pets Policy This chapter provides guidance for the assessment of risk posed by dangerous pets in Foster placements.
Transfer of Foster Carers Protocol This protocol has been developed by The Fostering Network and the joint forum of Independent Fostering Providers and is issued with the support of ADCS. It recommends the good practice guidelines to be followed when an approved foster carer wishes to transfer from one fostering service to another.
Overpayment of Fostering Allowances and Fees Policy This is Swindon Borough Councils Policy for recovering overpayments to Foster Carers. It explains the process and responsibilities of The Fostering Manager and supervising social worker.
Friends and Family Care Guide Swindon Borough Council's guide about family and friends care. Its primary aim is to give information about the various legal options open to family and friends' carers and how family and friends carers can be supported.
Children Services Social Media Policy Outlines the responsibilities of all employees in the use of social media.

November 2016

Caption: November 2016 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Family and Friends Care Policy This chapter has been updated.

August 2016

Caption: August 2016 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Confidentiality Policy

This chapter has been updated with additional advice regarding information sharing.

Initial Contacts and Referrals This chapter has been updated to include reference to the MASH and updated timescales.
Local Assessment Framework for a Single Assessment This chapter has been updated to take into account current departmental structure and the MASH.
Application for Emergency Protection Orders This chapter has been updated  to reflect current line manager responsibility.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline This chapter has been updated with a link to the Pre-Court Proceedings Protocol and Naming of Staff in Court Judgements Protocol and Swindon Borough Council's policy on payment of top-up fees in section 8 also some minor revision throughout to ensure accuracy.
Legal Planning Meetings This chapter has been amended, with provisions throughout and reference added regarding the use of Section 20 in Care Proceedings.
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Under 16 This chapter has been updated to include ADCS good practice guidance.
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation This chapter has been revised to include more information on identifying risk factors.
Recording Policy and Guidelines This chapter has been revised, with more detailed practice guidance regarding the recording of information children and a guidance note on Parents recording practitioners and has been updated throughout.
Managing Social Care Case Files This chapter has been updated in with additional information on the electronic document storage system.
Case Records for Looked After Children This chapter has been updated with a note to include the health plan, placement plan and personal education plan as part of the care Plan.
Requests for Deceased Information This chapter has been reviewed with information added on the circumstances for release of information.
Children in Need Plans and Reviews This chapter has been updated with the revised definition of children in need, and minor changes throughout.
Private Fostering This chapter has been updated with current team names and job titles and up-to-date information on financial support.
Disabled Children Team This chapter has been updated with a link to the policy and procedure for case management within the Disabled Children's Team.
Short Breaks Scheme - The 'Home and Away' Respite Scheme This chapter has been updated to reflect current departmental arrangements and threshold criteria.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities A link has been added, Children and Young People's Continuing Care National Framework (Doha 2016). The guidance sets out the process for assessing, deciding and agreeing continuing care for children with complex health needs.
Child Protection This chapter has been updated and a link to the Swindon Multi Agency Risk Panel Operating Protocol added.
Child Protection Plans - Lead Social Worker Role and Responsibilities This chapter has been updated to reflect current departmental job titles and areas of responsibility.
Child Protection Plans - Assistant Team Manager Role and Responsibilities

This chapter has been updated, current departmental job titles and areas of responsibility.

Quorate Child Protection Conferences This chapter has been updated to include discussion of situations where a conference may be held despite being inquorate if this is in the best interests of the child.
Decision to Look After and Care Planning This chapter has been updated with a link to the ADCS/CAFCASS Practice Guidance for the Use of Section 20.
Permanence Planning Guidance This chapter has been updated with minor revisions throughout, new information on long term fostering and additional information about Permanency Planning Meetings.
Placements in Residential Care This chapter has been updated to reflect current departmental job titles and appropriate planning meetings.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation

This chapter has been extensively revised and updated.

Placements with Connected Persons This chapter has been updated to reflect the responsibility the local authority to the placement is in the child's best interest. Further changes have been made to update relevant job titles.
Placements with Parents This chapter has been updated with corrections to the job titles of Designated officers.
Placements Outside England and Wales This chapter has been updated, with corrections job title of the designated officers updated information regarding adoptive placements abroad/
Advocacy and Independent Visitors This chapter has been updated, with additional information regarding the duties of advocates and independent visitors.

Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services

This chapter has been extensively revised, with additional information concerning Looked After Children who are charged with an offence and children receive a community sentence, and links to the Young People's Early Support Strategy and the protocol between Swindon YOT and Swindon Children 's Social Care.
Appointment and Role of Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO) This chapter has been updated with information about the reciprocal arrangements with neighbouring authorities for legal advice to IRO's.
Secure Accommodation (Criteria) Reviews This chapter has been updated, with additional information regarding the chairing, position of Panel and reporting of Review Panel decisions.
Notification of Significant Events This chapter has been amended to link directly to The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011, Schedule 7 Events and Notifications.
Contact with Parents and Siblings This chapter has been updated with a link to the Supervised Contact Procedure has been included.

Social Visits (including Overnight Stays)

This chapter has been updated when references to the Placement Information record have been removed.
Education of Looked After Children This chapter has been updated with the addition of the links to Mental Health and Behaviour in schools - Departmental advice for school staff and Keeping Children safe in Education.
Restrictive Physical Intervention This chapter has been updated, with additional information when physical intervention may be justified.
Change of Name of a Looked After Child This chapter has been revised, with new information regarding the legal status of a child where there is a request to change their name.

Care Leavers Financial Entitlement

Updated schedule of Payments to Care Leavers for 2016/17.
Responsibilities of the Local Authority to Former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody

This chapter has been slightly updated, with additional information regarding the definition of a "relevant" young person and visits to institutions.

Staying Put This chapter has been amended to remove reference to BAAF.
Fostering Panel This chapter has been updated, with updated information on the purpose and function of the Panel and the storing of information from Panel Meetings.
Persons Disqualified from Fostering This chapter has been updated with links to relevant legislation.
Assessment and Approvals of Foster Carers This chapter has been updated with guidance for Councillors who wish to become foster carers and revision to the assessment and approval process.
Exemptions and Extensions/Variations to Foster Carer Approval This chapter has been updated with links to relevant legislation, amendments to the sections on emergency exemptions and reviews of extensions or variations.
Supervision and Support of Foster Carers This chapter has been updated with links to relevant legislation and revision of the job titles used throughout to ensure consistency with current departmental management procedures.
Review and Termination of Approval of Foster Carers This procedure has been updated with a new process of Annual Review for Foster carers and should be re-read.
Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters This chapter has been updated with minor amendments to the text throughout.
Fostering for Adoption, Concurrent Planning and Temporary Approval as Foster Carers of Approved Prospective Adopters This chapter has been updated with regards to the steps which must be taken where there is a change to the circumstances of prospective carers, including relatives.
Adoption Panel This chapter has been updated with revised information regarding the composition of the Adoption Panel.
Placement for Adoption This chapter has been updated with revision to the text throughout and should be re-read.
Adoption Support This chapter has been updated with a link to the Adoption Support Fund. And statutory guidance.
Monitoring and Supervision of Adoptive Placements This chapter has been updated with new guidance regarding the frequency of visits.
Adoption Reviews This chapter has been slightly amended regarding the content of Adoption Reviews.
Disruption of Adoptive Placements This chapter has been updated with minor changes to ensure that job titles were used consistently.
Allegations Against Prospective Adopters and in Relation to Children Placed for Adoption or Already Adopted This chapter has been updated with amendments to job titles and revision of the investigation process.
Intermediary Services This chapter has been updated with minor changes to clarify the text.

Applications for Special Guardianship Orders

This chapter has been updated with additional information regarding funding therapeutic support through the Adoption Support Fund.

Court Reports in Adoption / Special Guardianship Guidance

Section 3, Special Guardianship – Matters to be Dealt with in Report to Court, has been revised and updated to reflect the enhanced assessment and reporting requirements (for all applications made from 29 February 2016 as set out in the Special Guardianship (Amendment) Regulations 2016.
Scheme of Delegation This chapter has been updated.
Practice Guidance - Decision to discontinue a Child Protection Plan

This chapter has been updated with minor amendments to the text throughout.

Practice Guidance - Forced Marriage

This chapter has been updated with minor revisions to the text and updated links for sources of help.

Children, Families and Community Health Equality Development Plan This chapter has been updated to the latest version of the plan.
The following chapters have been reviewed, with no changes made:
  • Signs of Safety - Overview;
  • Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After and Child In Need);
  • Access to Your Personal Information / Subject Access Requests;
  • Behaviour Management and Safe Caring;
  • Inter Country Adoption;
  • Non Agency Adoption;
  • Access to Birth Records and Adoption Case Records;
  • Practice Guidance - Neglect;
  • Children, Families and Community Health Statement of Intent for Equality Monitoring.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Section 17 Payments This chapter outlines the circumstances where a S17 payment is appropriate.
Ceasing to Look After a Child This chapter reflects the statutory guidance 'Ceasing to look after a child' in 'Care Planning, Placement and Case Review Regulations' The Local Authority has a duty to ensure that when children have been Accommodated under Section 20 (Children Act 1989) and are discharged from, or leave care, that the discharge is in their best interests and that they will be safeguarded and their welfare will be promoted.
Child in Foster Care - Delegated Authority Policy This chapter has been added to the manual.
Children, Families and Community Health – Clinical Incident Reporting Policy & Procedures (including serious incidents) This policy and procedure sets out the requirements in relation to the reporting of any clinical incident affecting service users or staff linked to the delivery of our CQC regulated activities in SBC Children, Families and Community Health service.
Sexual health services policy for Swindon secondary schools The purpose of this policy is to ensure that specific sexual health services are delivered by school nurses and accessible for young people within secondary school settings.
School Nursing Policy for the Delivery of Routine School Age Childhood Immunisations The purpose of this policy is to ensure that routine childhood immunisations for school age children are delivered by the school nursing service as directed by Public Health England 'Childhood routine immunisation schedule'.

February 2016

Caption: February 2016 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Transfer Protocol This chapter sets out the team remits for those teams within Children, Families & Community Health and clarifies the arrangements for all children and young people whose case is transferring between teams.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline This chapter has been updated in with links to Family Group Conference leaflet for parents and for children and an updated Letter Before Proceedings.
Legal Planning Meetings This chapter has been amended when Appendix 2: Legal Planning Meeting Checklist has been updated and further appendices have been added.
Swindon Borough Council Missing Children Procedure A link to the Swindon and Wiltshire missing children. Protocol and College of Policing Missing Persons guidance has been added.
Families with No Recourse to Public Funds This chapter has been updated with clarification of the responsibilities of the Local Authority towards families with no recourse to public funds. A template letter for communicating with families has been added to Section 3, Procedures for Working with Families with no Recourse to Public Funds.
Safeguarding Children to Safeguarding Adults Transition Protocol Minor procedural updates throughout.
Disclosure "Whistleblowing" Policy This chapter is now linked to Swindon Borough Councils Anti-Fraud and Corruption web page. A copy of the latest Whistle blowing Policy is available to download form this site.
Local Dispute Resolution Process for Independent Reviewing Officers This chapter has been extensively re-written and should be re-read.
Direct Payments This chapter has been updated to clarify that Direct Payments cannot be used to pay for overnight care.
Short Breaks at Preventative Level (Aiming High) Appendix 1: Short Breaks Questionnaire Form and Appendix 2: Short Breaks Flowchart have been updated.
Permanence Planning Guidance This chapter has been updated when the link to the Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review has been added.
Placements in Foster Care This chapter has been updated with minor amendments throughout to reflect job titles and a new Section 9, Long Term Foster Placement.
Social Worker Visits to Looked After Children This chapter has been updated to reflect the revised visiting requirements in respect of long term foster placements.
Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services This chapter has been updated when links to The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review have been added.
Looked After Reviews This chapter has been updated throughout, a new Section 10, Looked After Reviews Concerning Children in Long Term Foster Placements has been added.
Contact with Parents and Siblings A link to the Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review has been added.
Health Assessments and Health Care Plans This chapter has been updated with the addition of a new Section 1, The Responsibilities of Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups and Section 2, Principles - to be applied when undertaking health Assessments and the role of the social worker in promoting good health.
Responsibilities of the Local Authority to Former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody A link to The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review has been added.
Fostering Service Statement of Purpose This has been updated to the latest version.
Supervision and Support of Foster Carers The link to the Induction Standards for the Children's Workforce has been replaced by the National Standards for Foster Carers.
Fostering for Adoption, Concurrent Planning and Temporary Approval as Foster Carers of Approved Prospective Adopters A link to The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review has been added.
Local Contacts These have been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Children, Families and Community Health Transport Policy and Procedure This chapter explains how transport arrangements in Children's, Families and Community Health are agreed and determined within a safeguarding framework.
Young Carers This chapter outlines the Councils responsibility to assess the needs and circumstances of Young Carers as defined by the Children and Families Act 2014.
Guidance on Issues Relating to Section 20 of the Children Act and Placements with Relatives This guidance is provided to explain the legal principles as to whether a placement of a child with a relative is a section 20 placement or a private family arrangement.
Adoption Service Statement of Purpose The current statement of purpose has been added to the manual.
Removed Chapters
  • Integrated Service Supervision Policy;
  • List of Agency Decision Makers, Designated Managers and Nominated Officers.

September 2015

Caption: September 2015 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Life Story Work, Book and Memory Box Policy and Procedure This chapter has been significantly updated and should be re-read.
Applications for Special Guardianship Orders Related guidance - Special Guardianship Support Policy - has been added to the scope box of this chapter.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Scheme of Delegation This document has been added to the Appendices section of the manual.

June 2015

Caption: June 2015 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Confidentiality Policy Guidance on information sharing has been added.
Children, Families and Community Health Supervision Policy This chapter has been formally known as the social work/social care staff supervision policy and has been extensively rewritten and should be re-read in its entirety.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and The Public Law Outline This chapter replaces Court Proceedings and Public Law Outline and Pre-Court Proceedings Protocol and should be re-read in its entirety.
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Under 16 Links to up dated statutory guidance have been added.
Complaints and Representations This chapter has been updated to include a link to the young person's guide to the Children And Families Act 2014.
Child Protection Updated to include a link to "what to do if you are worried a child is being abused".
Decision to Look After and Care Planning The information on contact between siblings has been updated.
Out of Authority Placements for SBC Children This chapter has been previously titled out of area placements and has been rewritten to clarify the level of approval needed for different placements and additional information on placement planning and notifications.
Placements in Secure Accommodation This chapter has minor amendments with regard to placing a child under 13 in a secure home.
Placements with Parents This chapter has been updated to clarify the status of looked after review minutes, Timescale for notifying parents of ending a placement and expectations to complete a written Working Agreement with parents.
Notifications from Other Local Authorities / Placing Providers This chapter has been extensively rewritten and should be re-read.
Contact with Parents and Siblings Additional information added regarding the approval and planning of contact.
Holidays and School Trips in the UK This chapter has been updated to include information regarding delegated authority.
Education of Looked After Children This chapter has been updated to include details of exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units.
Leaving Care and Transition With regard to the local authority adopting a flexible approach to supporting young people aged 16 and 17 towards semi-independence.
Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters This chapter has been updated to include information regarding the DBS privacy policy.
Placement for Adoption Minor amendments have been made to clarify the role of parents
Intermediary Services This chapter has been updated to include changes to legislation which occurred at the end of October 2014 regarding persons with a prescribed relationship.
Life Story Books Guidance This chapter has been updated with a small but significant change in the expectation that life story work will be undertaken with all adoptive children.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Quality Assurance Framework Updated guidance concerning the quality assurance process with relevant appendices to support monitoring and review.
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities This procedure sets out the specific provision under the Children and Families Act 2014 in relation to children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs or disabilities.
Staying Put This chapter sets out the procedure for looked after children remaining with their carers.
Removed Chapters
  • Court Proceedings;
  • Public Law Outline and Pre-Court Proceedings Protocol.

October 2014

Caption: October 2014 amendments
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Children and Families Services Policies, Values and Principles Updated to reflect current legislation and the children services strategy.
Swindon LSCB Multi-Agency Threshold Guidance This guidance has been completely revised and should be reread in its entirety.
Initial Contacts and Referrals Links to the Contact Point overall protocol and the Early Help record and plan added.
Transfer Protocol Amended to take into account the restructuring of the Department.
Application for Emergency Protection Orders This chapter has been amended to clarify line management responsibility.
Court Proceedings Links to be legal planning checklist and Care Plan format have been added.
Public Law Outline and Pre-Court Proceedings Protocol Updated in line with current legislation.
Legal Planning Meetings The legal planning meeting checklist has been added to this chapter.
Swindon Borough Council Missing Children Procedure This chapter has been updated to take into account organisational changes and links to the latest multi-agency guidance.
Managing Social Care Case Files This chapter has been updated and changes made to guidance on paper records.
Children in Need Plans and Reviews Terminology has been updated and a link to the step down process added.
Private Fostering This chapter has been updated to reflect changes in Departmental organisation.
Short Breaks at Preventative Level (Aiming High) A new Short Breaks questionnaire has been added.
Permanence Planning Guidance This chapter has been updated in line with the Children and Families Act 2014, and the overall aim of speeding up the adoption process. The chapter has been updated throughout and should be re-read. The main changes are in relation to adoption, specifically Fostering for Adoption, Concurrent Planning and Temporary Approval as Foster Carers of Approved Prospective Adopters.
Placements in Foster Care Updated in line with current legislation and further details added regarding the support and monitoring of placements.
Placements in Residential Care Updated in line with current legislation.
Out of Area Placements Updated to clarify the level of approval needed for different types of placement.
Placements in Secure Accommodation Links to statutory guidance have been added.
Notifications from Other Local Authorities / Placing Providers Updated in line with children's homes and looked after children legislation.
Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services Information about acceptable behaviour contracts has been added.
Looked After Reviews Updated to include current guidance about children who go missing or are absent from care.
Holidays and School Trips in the UK Updated to clarify headteacher's discretion in sanctioning absence.
Holidays and School Trips Outside the UK Updated to clarify headteacher's discretion in sanctioning absence.
Education of Looked After Children Updated to include details of the EHC and Pupil Premium.
Leaving Care and Transition Updated in line with current guidance and information added in relation to the higher education bursary.
Exemptions and Extensions/Variations to Foster Carer Approval Minor changes made to clarify the terms of approval.
Review and Termination of Approval of Foster Carers A section on the resignation of Foster carers, has been added.
Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters Updated guidance fostering to adopt, the local authority's duty to provide information and ethnicity.
Placement for Adoption This chapter has been updated to reflect the overall aim of speeding up the adoption process.
Adoption Support The local authority duty to provide information on the adoption support available has been added.
Applications for Special Guardianship Orders Updated in line with current legislation and references to child arrangements orders have been included.
Local Contacts This listing has been updated.
List of Agency Decision Makers, Designated Managers and Nominated Officers This listing has been updated.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Child Arrangement Order These new orders replace residence orders, but serve a similar function.
Need to Know Process This procedure sets out the responsibilities for informing senior staff and elected members about specific events.
Dispute Resolution Process (IRM's and CP Chairs) This chapter sets out the procedure for resolving professional disagreements in situations concerning children in care subject to a protection plan.
Child Protection Child protection is a new section within the procedures manual contains links to Working Together, the South-West Child Protection Procedures and Swindon LSCB website.
Child Protection Plans - Lead Social Worker Role and Responsibilities Specifies the responsibilities for the lead social worker.
Child Protection Plans - Team Manager Role and Responsibilities Specifies the responsibilities of the team manager.
Quorate Conferences Guidance on child protection case conference attendance.
Notification of Significant Events Guidance which events need to be formally notified.
Supervised Contact Procedure Guidance and best practice in managing and supervising contact between children in care and their parents.
Fostering for Adoption, Concurrent Planning and Temporary Approval as Foster Carers of Approved Prospective Adopters New guidance designed to help speed up the adoption process.
Children, Families and Community Health Equality Development Plan This document sets out the Children, Families and Community Health Equality Development Plan.
Children, Families and Community Health Statement of Intent for Equality Monitoring This document sets out the Children, Families and Community Health Statement of Intent for Equality Monitoring.